
Alphabridge Delivered to Multi-Role Aviation Training Vessel MV Sycamore

MATV 2300 Sycamore_128

Published Jul 21, 2017 3:08 PM by The Maritime Executive

Alphatron Marine is pleased to announce the delivery of an extensive AlphaBridge package to the Multi-role Aviation Training Vessel (MATV) MV Sycamore for the Royal Australian Navy through the Serco Australia managed Fleet Marine Services Contract. The package consists of fully advanced navigation and communication equipment and is supplemented by a broad scope of tools and solutions that incorporate the latest maritime technology.
The MV Sycamore, 94 meter in length, will perform diverse training and support duties for the Royal Australian Navy with a focus on training on all helicopter related operations, such as flight deck landings and take-off, refuelling and air traffic control. Knowing that the vessel can travel up to 18 knots (special attention was given to radar systems and helicopter deck equipment.
Next to the AlphaBridge, a maintenance free, high-end integrated navigation system, we have supplied a sophisticated CCTV system suitable to monitor flight deck operation under poor visibility and a helicopter deck monitoring system. These real-time accurate and reliable monitoring tools are essential during landings and take-offs, improving safety in hostile weather conditions.
Alphatron Marine worked with Damen Shipyards Group to produce a 3D virtual model of the proposed layout of the bridge before it was manufactured. The best possible configurations were selected, keeping it solid and stable, without compromising on an overall sleek and ergonomic design. The AlphaBridge include workstations for operating all navigation systems, including radar and electronic charts, plus it has dynamic positioning and propulsion controls, as well as a communications system.
We are proud to be part of this multi-role vessel project, which, due to a large storage capacity, also has the potential to be mobilized in humanitarian relief operations. After the successful completion of the sea trails, the maiden voyage will be to her home port in Sydney, Australia.

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