William P. Doyle

The Honorable William P. Doyle is the CEO and executive director of the Dredging Contractors of America. He previously served two terms as a commissioner on the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission, where he made sure that the Jones Act was protected and that foreign ocean carriers did not exert their collective market power over U.S. service providers.
Op-Ed: Congressional Research Service is Wrong About U.S. Dredging
The leaders of the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (T&I) and T&I’s Subcommittee on...
U.S. Dredging Companies Maintain America’s Strategic Seaports
On April 30, 1798, President John Adams signed a congressional act establishing the Department of the Navy. On this 221st an...
The Importance of a Vibrant U.S. Merchant Marine
With Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and Nate, it has been a tough hurricane season, but the U.S. Merchant Marine has once again an...
FMC Rejects Japanese Carriers' Joint Service Plan
On May 3, U.S. Federal Maritime Commissioner William P. Doyle issued the following statement: Yesterday, I voted to...