Video: Abandoned Ro/Ro Goes Aground Off Iskenderun

[Brief] The abandoned ro/ro cargo vessel Aqua Hercules has run aground in a storm just north of Iskenderun, Turkey.
The Aqua Hercules (ex names Malmo Link, Finnhawk) is a 1980-built ro/ro freighter with no registered flag state. She was seized by creditors in 2013, and her ownership was transferred to an undisclosed party, according to Equasis. Her last AIS signal was received off Iskenderun in mid-2013, and she has remained there ever since.
According to local media, the Hercules' crew abandoned the vessel over unpaid wages. A severe storm passed through the area this week, and the ship dragged anchor and went aground. There was no one on board at the time of the casualty, according to Medya Gazete.
Hacizli oldu?u için y?llard?r ?skenderun Körfezi'nde bekleyen hayalet gemi olarak adland?r?lan ?ngiltere bayrakl? Aqua Hercules isimli ro-ro gemisi denizdeki ?iddetli f?rt?nan?n etkisiyle ?sdemir kuzey sahilinde karaya vurdu. #iskenderun #hatay #arsuz #samc
— Hatay City ???????? (@hataycity) March 25, 2021
— Arif YILDIRIM ???????????????? (@IamArifYILDIRIM) March 25, 2021
?skenderun Körfezi'nde 8 y?l? a?k?n bir süredir bekleyen "Aqua Hercules" adl?, ?ngiliz band?ral?, körfezin hayalet gemisi ?iddetli f?rt?na nedeniyle ?sdemir kuzey liman sahas?nda karaya oturdu.#iskenderun #samc #körfez #aquahercules