
Port Of Los Angeles Calls for Proposals for New Cruise Terminal

Port of Los Angeles
Los Angeles is looking to develop a new cruise terminal to expand its homeport operations (Port of Los Angeles)

Published Jun 28, 2024 8:02 PM by The Maritime Executive


The Port of Los Angeles issued a Request for Proposals for the construction and operation of a new Outer Harbor Cruise Terminal, along with the redevelopment and operation of the existing World Cruise Center. It is a critical part of the future plans for the port and will play an important part in helping Los Angeles expand its cruise business. Proposals are due by November 12.

“We have seen increased demand for cruises out of the LA Waterfront over the last several years, with a record 1.3 million cruise passengers in 2023,” said Port Executive Director Gene Seroka. “With more growth forecast, these projects will allow us to greatly expand our cruise business capacity while providing the best possible experience and convenience for cruise travelers.”

Los Angeles first released details on its plans to expand the cruise terminals in January 2023. Unlike other major cruise homeports, including Miami and Galveston, Los Angeles elected to develop the terminals without specific cruise partners. Some of the major cruise corporations are rumored to be reviewing the RFP and might submit proposals. They all have been anxious for enhanced facilities in the Port of Los Angeles.

They highlight that over the last two years, more than 200 cruise ships called in Los Angeles with each cruise ship calling at the port generating more than $1 million in local economic activity. Over the next five years, additional growth in cruise passengers and local economic impact is expected with larger ships of 4,000+ passenger capacity continually calling at the port. The growth, however, requires more modern and large terminals to handle the increased passenger volumes.

 “Over the past 20 years, our Port has invested over $1 billion in enhancing, operating, and programming LA Waterfront infrastructure,” said Mike Galvin, the Port’s Director of Waterfront and Commercial Real Estate Development. “These two proposed cruise terminal projects represent the next stage of that investment, and the continued transformation of the waterfront into a dynamic and multi-use visitor destination.”

The proposed new Outer Harbor Cruise Terminal will be located in San Pedro and includes Berths 46 to 50. The site consists of 13 acres of backland, two existing wharves, and 20 acres of associated potential off-site parking with an estimated 2,300 spaces. For this new proposed terminal, the port is seeking a flexible design to accommodate a variety of additional non-cruise revenue-producing uses in the off-season, such as filming, conferences, and events.

The existing World Cruise Center is to be redeveloped. The terminal site consists of 22 acres, including parking, two cruise berths (Berths 90-93), two terminal buildings, and a baggage handling structure. The adjacent battleship Iowa however is not part of the project and will remain in its current location.