
Nine Rescued From Capsized Landing Craft in Indonesia

Indonesian Directorate General of Sea Transportation
Courtesy Indonesian Directorate General of Sea Transportation

Published Jan 27, 2025 5:07 PM by The Maritime Executive


Last week, a landing craft capsized off the coast of Kalimantan, Indonesia, forcing the crew to abandon ship. 

On Thursday, the landing craft Cahaya Dana Reza was under way from Samarinda to Buntok, Central Kalimantan. That evening, as it was under way off the coast of Sebuku Island, it began to take on a list. The master, identified as Capt. Roni Tjitjipo, decided to anchor to search for a suspected leak. The crew found the source of water ingress, but could not contain it, and the ship's list continued to worsen. 

The crew abandoned ship, and the vessel capsized at about 2330 hours. All nine survivors were safely rescued by a good Samaritan vessel, the Atlantik Star 11, at about 0100 on Friday morning. Atlantik Star then dropped anchor to await the arrival of Indonesian maritime authorities. 

The Indonesian coast guard SAR post at Kotabaru received a report from the ship's agent at about 0355 hours that morning, and it dispatched a RIB to the scene. Officials arrived at about 0545 and evacuated the survivors from the Atlantik Star 11. 

The Cahaya Dana Reza fully capsized, leaving its hull in the air. Some of its load of 150 tonnes of cargo went adrift in the water, and plans are being formulated for a cleanup, Indonesia's navigation directorate said in a statement.