Maersk Boxship Stopped in Pacific Awaiting Repair Crew and Parts

A Maersk operated containership remains stopped in the Pacific awaiting the arrival of a service technical crew that is being dispatched along with replacement parts for the vessel’s main engine. Unlike other recent incidents, Maersk reports no loss of containers saying that the crew and the container cargo have remained secure and that the vessel is maintaining power to its refer boxes.
The nine-year-old containership Maersk Eureka operating under the Singapore flag with a capacity of 13,092 TEU, is sailing from Japan to Long Beach, California. The 140,973 dwt containership had been delayed in Japan departed Yokohama on March 6.
On March 12, the Maersk Eureka had to stop its main engine to replace a damaged fuel pump. While she was able to resume her voyage the following day, the main engine had to be again stopped on March 14 to perform further investigation. After determining that the vessel required repairs before continuing its voyage, Maersk organized to have a service technician crew and parts sent out to meet up with the ship.
An ocean-going tug was expected to depart Dutch Harbor, Alaska today, March 25, with the crew and parts. They expect it will take the tug three days to reach the location of the Maersk Eureka. Repairs are expected to continue through March 31, with the vessel then continuing its voyage operating 15 to 20 days behind schedule.
Complicating the situation are weather forecasts for higher winds during the next three to five days. Maersk reports however that while smaller swells have increased, the vessel and cargo remain secure.
This situation is in contrast to the Maersk Eindhoven which a month ago suffered a brief loss of propulsion power which Maersk attributed to an automatic safety feature that caused the engine shutdown due to an oil pressure reading. The loss of maneuverability came while the vessel was sailing in heavy seas and resulted in severe rolling. The motion of the vessel caused 260 containers to be lost overboard and an additional 65 containers to be damaged but remain on deck. The vessel also sustained slight damage forcing it to see a port of refuge to stabilize its cargo and make repairs before proceeding to California.
(Photo file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.)