IN THE KNOW Podcast Episode 2: The Jones Act

For our latest episode of the Maritime Executive Magazine podcast series, IN THE KNOW, we discussed the pros and cons of the Jones Act with two experts - Eric F. Smith, Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer for Hendry Marine Industries, and Nick Loris, Research Manager for Energy & Environment at the Heritage Foundation.
Is the Jones Act necessary for American national security? Why do U.S. defense sealift programs rely on foreign-built vessels? Would the Jones Act's repeal save any perceptible amount of money for consumers? Do we still need the U.S. build requirement in the Jones Act trade? Listen in for the answers to these questions (and to many more questions from our readers).
L to R: Eric F. Smith, Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer for Hendry Marine Industries; Nick Loris, Research Manager for Energy & Environment at the Heritage Foundation; Tony Munoz, Editor in Chief of The Maritime Executive Magazine; and Paul Benecki, News Editor - Americas & Europe, The Maritime Executive Magazine
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.