Ian Urbina

Something Is Starting to Smell Fishy About the Global Seafood Supply Chain
The past half year has seen a steady stream of disturbing reports about serious human rights abuses tied...
To Project Power Globally, China Has Become the Superpower of Seafood
In the early morning hours of March 8, 2021, a small inflatable boat powered by an outboard motor covertly made its way...
The Uyghurs Forced to Process the World’s Fish
On a cloudy morning this past April, more than eighty men and women, dressed in matching red windbreakers, stood in orderly lines...
Dispatches From The Outlaw Ocean Episode 10: Freedom or Death
This episode is the tenth and final installment in a short film series from The Outlaw Ocean Project. It stems from more...
Dispatches From The Outlaw Ocean Episode 6: The Fish We Turn to Dust
This episode is the sixth installment in a 10-part short film series from The Outlaw Ocean Project. It stems from more t...
Dispatches from The Outlaw Ocean Episode 5: Raiders of the Deep
This episode is the fifth installment in a 10-part short film series from The Outlaw Ocean Project. It stems from more t...
Dispatches from The Outlaw Ocean Episode 4: The Magic Pipe
This episode is the fourth installment in a 10-part short film series from The Outlaw Ocean Project. It stems from more...
Dispatches From The Outlaw Ocean Ep. 3: Dreamers of a Floating World
This episode is the third installment in a 10-part short film series from The Outlaw Ocean Project. It stems from more t...
Dispatches from The Outlaw Ocean Episode 1: Where Killers Go Free
In this first episode of "Dispatches from The Outlaw Ocean," a gruesome video turns up on a cell phone, abandoned i...
Outlaw Ocean Podcast: Intentional Dumping May Be Worse Than Oil Spills
When a ship inadvertently spills oil, it’s big news. But according to an investigation by The Outlaw Ocean Project, a non-pr...