
Royal Navy Tracks Chinese Warships Twice in UK Waters

HMS Richmond
HMS Richmond (foreground) with PLA Navy destroyer Jiaozuo (background) (Royal Navy)

Published Aug 13, 2024 5:52 PM by The Maritime Executive

Over the course of the past month, a Royal Navy frigate monitored a Chinese naval task force twice as it passed through the English Channel and back again. 

The HMS Richmond monitored the PLA Navy destroyer Jiaozuo and the fleet auxiliary Honghu as they transited to and from Russia's Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg. The two warships made use of the right of innocent passage to transit UK waters of the North Sea and the Channel. 

“These escorts are a clear demonstration of how the Royal Navy continues to protect the sovereignty of UK waters. Working closely with our allies to support Euro-Atlantic security is a top priority for this government," said UK minister for the armed forces Luke Pollard. 

French warship Commandant Blaison helped out with the escort, maintaining contact with the two PLA Navy vessels as they passed by French shores. In the North Sea, the Belgian Navy's patrol vessel Pollux took over the task. 

"Close monitoring of foreign vessels in UK waters is routine business for the Royal Navy and ensures their compliance with maritime law and respect for UK sovereignty," said HMS Richmond CO Cmdr. Richard Kemp in a statement. "By maintaining a visible and persistent presence, the Royal Navy demonstrates our commitment to the NATO alliance and in maintaining maritime security."

The last time that the Royal Navy monitored PLA Navy vessels on their way to St. Petersburg's parade was in 2019, when the destroyer Xian transited to the same event.