
Report: Seafarers Need Games, Shore Leave and Internet

Published Nov 9, 2019 7:57 PM by The Maritime Executive

New research by Cardiff University urges shipping companies to provide more amenities for seafarers. Specifically, the report states that they should be provided with internet access and:

• At least one activity onboard, such as basketball, squash or swimming;
• At least four activities from table tennis, darts, barbecues, karaoke, bingo, and card and board games;
• A gym with at least three pieces of equipment;
• At least two facilities from a sauna, a book and DVD library, satellite TV with cabins and a library of interactive video games;
• Comfortable mattresses and furnishings within cabins;
• Shore leave at every opportunity for all ranks;
• Varied, good quality food.

The study, funded by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), involved over 1,500 seafarers completing a questionnaire and face-to-face interviews with a small group of seafarers, employers, maritime charities and other stakeholders. Lack of internet access, long periods away from friends and family, poor accommodation and food were among the leading causes of concern for those working at sea.

Professor Helen Sampson, who led the study, says there is evidence that recent-onset psychological disorders are increasing among serving seafarers, yet more than half (55 percent) of employers said they had not introduced any policies or practices to address mental health for a decade.

When questioned in an interview about suffering from mental ill-health, one seafarer said: “Between pressure, workload, no days off and you are a gazillion miles away from home with limited communication, what do you think is going to happen?” Another said: “Three months on land is nothing. You can’t see your kids grow up, you can’t see anything. You are just like an uncle coming and going.”

Sampson, Director of Cardiff University’s Seafarers International Research Centre, based in the School of Social Sciences, said: “It is all too easy for seafarers working out on the deep ocean to be invisible to those ashore. Their remoteness allows for abuse to go undetected. Sometimes seafarers are subjected to bullying and harassment by superiors and colleagues on board.  However many employers also mistreat seafarers by failing to provide decent and humane living conditions which promote good mental well-being."

The report concludes that the provision of free internet access would make the most significant contribution to improving the mental health and well-being of those working onboard ships.

In addition, organizations are urged to provide self-help guidance on improving mental resilience, provide contracts that balance work and leave time, introduce and enforce anti-bullying and harassment policies, train officers on creating a positive on-board atmosphere and set up confidential counselling services.

The research report is available here.