
Thessaloniki Port Community Meeting

Port of Thessaloniki

Published Nov 22, 2023 9:40 PM by The Maritime Executive

[By: Port of Thessaloniki]

The meeting of the Thessaloniki Port Users' Council took place on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, via videoconference, chaired by the Executive Chairman of the BoD of ThPA S.A., Thanos Liagkos, with the active participation of the Chief Executive Officer of ThPA S.A., Arie Koppelaar, representatives of relevant bodies, as well as executives and partners of the company.

The meetings of the Thessaloniki Port Users’ Council offer the opportunity to share information and conduct constructive dialogue among the members of the port community, addressing issues of common interest and initiatives aimed at upgrading the services provided by the Port for its users. In the meeting, a total of 19 representatives from 18 bodies, users and members of the broader port community participated. They were briefed on recent developments related to the investment plan of ThPA S.A., its operational units and sustainability-oriented initiatives.

Special emphasis was placed on the connectivity of the Port of Thessaloniki and the expansion of intermodal services. There was a focus on the immediate need to upgrade the existing railway infrastructure, the development strategy of ThPA S.A. and the synergies with ports of international significance. Additionally, attention was drawn to the growth of Cruise, with 79 scheduled arrivals set for 2024.

Commenting on the proceedings of the meeting, the Executive Chairman of the BoD of ThPA S.A.,Thanos Liagkos, noted: "The significance of productive dialogue between the users of the Port of Thessaloniki and ThPA S.A. was once again affirmed. The uninterrupted development and enhancement of the international competitiveness of the Port of Thessaloniki remain the common goal and priority of the port community. In this direction, the coordinated collaboration of all members of the community is a prerequisite for providing an evolving, efficient and reliable intermodal network, that upgrades the supply chain of Southeast, Central and Eastern Europe."

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