Grady Hurley

Grady Hurley is a partner in and leader of the maritime litigation and arbitration team and co-chair of the Energy, Environmental & Natural Resources Industry Team at Jones Walker LLP in New Orleans. Since 1979, he has focused on maritime, oilfield, and energy litigation. [email protected]/ .
Op-Ed: 5th Circuit Should Look Closely at Rig Worker vs. Seaman Status
The question of “When is a Rig Worker a Seaman Under The Law?” was recently discussed in the context of Sanchez v. Sma...
When is a Rig Worker a Seaman Under the Law?
Historically, the Jones Act provides remedies to “seamen,” those workers more or less permanently assigned to vessels...
COVID-19 and the Shipowner's Legal Obligations
COVID-19 is a disease transmitted by respiratory droplets that spread during social interactions or when sharing close quarters wi...