Gary C. Kessler

AI, Cybersecurity, and the Maritime Transportation System
I feel it in my fingers / I feel it in my toes AI's all around me / And so the feeling grows (with apologies t...
Cybersecurity as a Team Sport: Resiliency, Agility and Cooperation
You can't seem to go anywhere these days without hearing the mantra, "Cybersecurity is a team sport." Maybe because...
Information Security, the MTS of the Future, and the New Convergence
The industrial revolution started in the late-1700s with the introduction of mechanical processes, and the use of water and steam-...
Cybersecurity and the "Return on Negligence"
In a recently released Fairplay/BIMCO/ABS maritime industry survey, nearly half of the 237 respondents reported that their co...
Web Site Security for Seaports and Shipping Lines
All of us use the Web and have typed in the now-familiar http:// prior to the address of a Web site. And most of us don't thin...