
EcoloxTech specializes in manufacturing electrolysis systems used for generating electrolyzed water for food sanitation, contact surface sanitation and water disinfection. EcoloxTech also specializes in capacitive deionization for water purification. EcoloxTech is a US based company founded by Morten Larsen, a Marine Engineer who used to advise the White House on advancing environmentally friendly technologies and previously served as an engineer for the United Nations in Africa. Larsen currently serves as CEO of EcoloxTech. For more information, visit
New Study Proves That Hypochlorous Acid Kills Novel Coronavirus
In a new study performed by an independent U.S. laboratory, a dilute hypochlorous acid (HOCL) sanitizing solution proved highly ef...
New Sanitizing Technology Makes Quick Work of COVID-19
Sanitation is an essential component of cruise ship operation, and in recent months it has become an even more critical component....