Captain David (Duke) Snider

Captain David (Duke) Snider is the CEO of Martech Polar Consulting, a privately owned company providing global ice navigation services and support for polar shipping. He is a Master Mariner and with 29 years at sea, operating naval, commercial and coast guard vessels. He is author of the book Polar Ship Operations published by the Nautical Institute in 2012, as well as many other papers on ice navigation. He holds a Bachelor of Maritime Studies degree granted by Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2006 and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He was awarded the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal in 2011 and elected Senior Vice President of The Nautical Institute in 2014.
The Nautical Institute's 2017 Year in Retrospect
When writing an end of year retrospective, one is usually prone to look for industry deviations from past norms as either highligh...
Let's Convince Jeff Bezos to Help Stranded Seafarers
This year on June 25, IMO’s Day of the Seafarer fell upon on a Sunday. I have not seen any statistics, but I have wondered i...
IMO Sets Polar Code Training Standards
During last week’s IMO Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW 2) in London, details were finalized t...
2014 in Review: Polar Shipping
The year 2014 was indeed one of intriguing activity in the Polar Regions. The maritime world and public in general began the year...
The Next Ships to Protect Canada's Arctic
Last week the Canadian press posted much-anticipated design details of the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) next major “com...