
FAL Convention Updates Target Seafarers, Stowaways and IT


Published Jan 1, 2018 8:31 AM by The Maritime Executive

Seafarers' rights to shore leave have been strengthened through amendments which entered into force globally on January 1, 2018. 

The amendment to the international standard on shore leave in the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL Convention) adds a new provision, on top of the requirement to allow crew ashore while their ship is in port. The new provision says there should be no discrimination on grounds of nationality, race, color, sex, religion, political opinion or social origin. Shore leave should be granted irrespective of the flag State of the ship.

If any request is turned down, the relevant public authorities must provide an explanation to the crew member and the master, which the seafarer or master can request to be provided in writing.  

Security and stowaways

The FAL Convention's section on preventing stowaways now recommends that national authorities apply operational procedures equivalent to those in the IMO International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, to prevent stowaways accessing a ship.  

A new standard requires governments, where appropriate, to incorporate legal grounds to allow prosecution of stowaways, attempted stowaways and any individual or company aiding a stowaway with the intention to facilitate access to port areas, ships, cargo or freight containers into their national legislation. 

Electronic Information Exchange

The amendments to the Convention also bring in a new requirement for national governments to introduce electronic information exchange, including electronic data interchange (EDI), to transmit information related to maritime transport. This should be in place by April 8, 2019, with provision for a transitional period of at least 12 months during which paper and electronic documents would be allowed.  

Use of a "single window" for data is encouraged, to enable all the information required by public authorities in connection with the arrival, stay and departure of ships, people and cargo, to be submitted via a single portal, without duplication.  

New FAL Forms

Updated FAL forms are in effect from January 1, 2018, covering IMO General Declaration; Cargo Declaration; Ship's Stores Declaration; Crew's Effects Declaration; Crew List· Passenger List and Dangerous Goods.

Three additional documents have been introduced for ships' clearance that may be required by the shore authorities – security-related information required under SOLAS, advance electronic cargo information for customs risk assessment and advanced notification form for waste delivery to port reception facilities.

FAL Convention

The FAL Convention, first adopted in 1965, aims to harmonize procedures for ship's arrival, stay and departure from port. It includes mandatory standards and recommended practices on formalities, documentary requirements and procedures which should be applied on arrival, stay and departure to the ship itself, and to its crew, passengers, baggage and cargo. 

The FAL Convention has 118 contracting States.