Tony Munoz
Publisher / Editor in chief, The Maritime Executive

Tony Munoz is the President and Editor-in-Chief of The Maritime Executive magazine. He has over 30 years of experience in the maritime industry, which includes working for West Coast Steamship Lines and PR consulting for some of the industry's largest companies.
Powerhouse: OSM Thome
It’s been a good – no, an exceptional year – for OSM Thome, marked by significant growth, strategic ac...
The Maritime Executive’s Offshore Services Issue is Out Now, Read Online
CELEBRATING MARINERS Our final edition of the year features a lengthy interview with Finn Amund Norbye, the dynamic C...
Interview: Adam Vokac, President of M.E.B.A.
Let's start with you, Adam. Tell us about yourself – your background and education. I was born in Erie, Pen...
Leading the Way: MEBA Recruits a New Generation of Mariners
It's a new era in American maritime. The old generation is retiring. A new one is taking its place. But challenges r...
The Maritime Executive's Global Salvage Edition is Out Now, Read Online
Salvors live a dangerous life. While they're a unique breed, their deployment means danger made worse by twisted ste...
Case Study: Anglo-Eastern Celebrates 50 Years of Excellence
“Ship management is about like-minded shipowners pooling their resources around certain quality standards,”...
Executive Interview: Bjørn Højgaard, CEO, Anglo-Eastern Ship Management
Executive Interview: Bjørn Højgaard, CEO, Anglo-Eastern Ship Management. A master mariner and lifelong lov...
Interview: Yaman Sen, General Manager, Med Marine
Yaman Sen is a rising star at Istanbul-based Med Marine. The son of Med Marine founder and CEO Hakan Sen, he currently r...
The Maritime Executive's Training & Education Edition is Out, Read Online
It’s A Small World After All Managing modern vessels has changed across the industry with new fuel options, digital equip...
Executive Interview: Mark O’Neil, President & CEO, Columbia Group
Mark O’Neil and his team have transformed Columbia into a “one-stop shop” for not just ship management but marit...