Mia Bennett
Mia Bennett

At Arctic Circle Assembly, New Frontiers and Alignments Emerge
Every October in Reykjavik, over 2,000 people gather to discuss the current and future state of the Arctic. The past is...
How a Gulf of Alaska Test Range Helped Israel Defend Itself From Iran
At the Pacific Spaceport Complex in Kodiak, Alaska, in 2019, the Israelis successfully tested an anti-ballistic missile...
High Speed Internet at Sea
Far above the planet, thousands of satellites are orbiting Earth. Some are taking high-resolution photographs and bea...
The End of Arctic Exceptionalism
While climatic tipping points have received significant attention from scientists, geopolitical tipping points in the Arctic are l...
No Silver Bullet
For over a century, ships have been propelled by fossil fuels. But as the world comes to grips with the climate crisis and the rap...
New Frontiers
Humans first harnessed the power of the wind to ply rivers and seas. Beginning at least 5,500 years ago, ancient Egyptians hoisted...
New Priorities
In the 3rd century BC, Rhodian seafarers sailing the wine-dark waters of the Mediterranean established the foundations of maritime...
Classification Societies Guide Ships to a Greener Tomorrow
In the 3rd century BC, Rhodian seafarers sailing the wine-dark waters of the Mediterranean established the foundations of maritime...
Back to the Future
In 1838, with black smoke belching out of its single funnel, the steamship SS Sirius sailed into New York Harbor, having left Irel...
Opinion: Russia's Arctic Gas is Funding the War in Ukraine
In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the seven other member states of the Arctic Council have hit a “pause&rdq...