CIMSEC's mission is to build a global community of professionals, academics, and forward thinkers from a variety of fields who wish to further international maritime peace and security through an exchange of ideas and the rigor of critical thought and writing.
America Needs a New Fleet Act to Rejuvenate the U.S. Navy
[By Commander Jason Lancaster] The Navy’s annual 30-Year Shipbuilding Plan should be replaced with a congr...
Is Russia Helping China Build a Hybrid-Nuclear Submarine?
[By Dr. Sarah Kirchberger and CAPT Christopher P. Carlson, USN (Ret)] On September 27, 2024, news broke that a previo...
Op-Ed: South American Countries Taking Lead on High-Latitude Capability
[By Aaron Delano-Johnson and Myles McCarthy] Sporting the distinctive racing stripe worn by many of the gl...
The U.S. Army's Role in Deterring China in the Pacific
[By Major General James B. Bartholomees III] Chinese Coast Guard vessels are ramming Philippine Coast Guard ship...
To Prepare for a Pacific War, U.S. Must Harden Southern Flank
[By Henry Ziemer] The United States’ foundations as a global great power rest in no small part on its status as...
Garrison Payne, the U.S. Navy's First Black Commissioned Officer
[By Reuben Keith Green] The hidden story of the U.S. Navy’s first Black commissioned officer spans five decades...
Op-Ed: Bold Leadership Needed to Carry Out U.S. Navy's Course Correction
[By Brent D. Sadler] On September 18, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Lisa Franchetti released her Navigatio...
"Legal Finish" in Maritime Security is Too Often Lacking a Legal Start
[By Dr. Ian Ralby] “Legal Finish” is a term that has become commonplace in maritime security circles arou...
Refocusing the Navy on a Maritime Deterrent Strategy
[By James Wirtz] As great power competition becomes an increasingly grim reality, senior officers are coming to terms...
Reimagining the Aircraft Carrier: A Support Vessel for Guided Missiles
[By Captain R. Robinson Harris, USN (ret.)] 39 years ago, in the October 1985 issue of USNI Proceedings, then-LC...