Port of Los Angeles and Indonesia Port Corporation to Cooperate

Officials from the Port of Los Angeles and Indonesia Port Corporation PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) have signed an MOU to cooperate and share information.
The MOU calls on the Port of Los Angeles and Persero to collaborate on strategies related to port operations, commercial trade competitiveness, port and rail infrastructure development. The agreement also calls for sharing of best practices on pollution reduction, alternative energy initiatives and port security and safety programs.
A digital supply chain efficiency cooperation will entail working on a pilot project to improve information flow and visibility using the Port Optimizer™, a digital portal developed by the Port of Los Angeles and GE Transportation to track real-time maritime shipping data for cargo owners and supply chain stakeholders through secure, channeled access.
The two ports recently collaborated to produce a video promoting the trade route from the Tanjung Priok Port Jakarta to the Port of Los Angeles. Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia and the 16th largest economy in the world.
Last month, the Ports of Los Angeles signed an MOU with Copenhagen Malmö Port to collaborate on sustainability and environmental issues. Key areas of cooperation identified under the agreement include energy use and alternative energy sources, advance clean marine terminal equipment technology, ocean-going vessels and drayage trucks and involvement in global environmental associations and initiatives.