[Exclusive] How Does Your Country Rank as a Shipowner?
Germany wins on the numbers for container ship owning according to statistics provided by VesselsValue.com for bulkers > 20,000dwt, containers > 500 TEU and tankers > 1,000dwt.
Despite Germany’s lead in numbers, the largest ships are coming from Denmark and France with Maersk and CMA CGM launching vessels capable of carrying over 16,000TEU. German owners have traditionally focused on small and medium sized vessels. As at June 2013, they accounted for 45 per cent of the ships with a TEU of below 3,000 and 32 per cent of the 3,000-7,999 TEU fleet.
Greece, China and Japan make the top three shipowning countries overall. Bulkers make up about 15 per cent of the world's merchant fleet, and most are owned by Chinese, Greek or Japanese owners.