MITAGS-PMI Escort Team Training

“At MITAGS and PMI, our knowledge, talent, expertise, and state-of-the-art simulation equipment equate to a top-notch maritime training experience.”
Gregg Trunnell, Director of the Pacific Maritime Institute (PMI), is pleased to announce that PMI and QSE Solutions have teamed-up to offer the very latest in “Tanker Escort Training.”
The new partnership between PMI and QSE Solutions will provide Pilots, Ship Masters, and Tug Masters with the opportunity to train together on PMI’s Full-Mission Simulators by utilizing an integrated approach. For the first training class, a minimum of fourteen (14) simulation scenarios will be performed by representatives from some of today’s leading maritime organizations; including the Puget Sound Pilots, Alaska Tanker Company, and Crowley Maritime. The primary objective of the exercises will be to enhance both critical thinking and resource management skills.
How does escort team training really work? The fundamental goal of escort team training is to reduce human error and accidents by improving individual decision-making skills. The key to this philosophy is Scenario-Based Training (SBT). SBT is comprised of the following subject areas:
• Communication Skills.
• Technical Knowledge.
• Shiphandling.
• Regulatory Oversight.
SBT also includes extensive scenario briefings that cover departure points, arrival points, vessel type, vessel characteristics, the role of each bridge team member, immediate traffic conditions, immediate environmental conditions, and expected learning objectives. At the completion of each simulation exercise, the participant will assess his/her performance and address specific areas that influenced decision-making throughout the training session. In addition, each exercise is assessed by technical experts who focus on the thought process, as well as the potential habits and behaviors of the participant.
For additional information on PMI’s Escort Team Training Program, please contact Mr. Gregg Trunnell, Director, via the following:
Telephone: (206) 719-2801
Toll-Free: (888) 893-7829
E-mail: [email protected]
To learn more about the Escort Team Training Program at MITAGS, please contact Captain Robert Becker, Business Development Manager, via the following:
Telephone: (443) 989-3235
Toll-Free: (866) 656-5569
E-mail: [email protected]