
ESG Announces Another Double Event for Hornbeck

Published Nov 12, 2014 4:28 PM by The Maritime Executive

Eastern Shipbuilding Group, Inc. is pleased to announce its third HOSMAX Double Event in Panama City, Florida. On Friday, October 24, 2014, the christening and subsequent launching of the HOS BRIARWOOD [pictured above] (Hull 210) the tenth HOSMAX launch in twenty months, followed with the same day delivery of the HOS BLACK WATCH [pictured below] (Hull 208) both for Hornbeck Offshore Services, LLC. 

The launch event was held at Eastern’s Allanton facility with hundreds of Eastern Employees and Guests in attendance with an afternoon of perfect weather and launch conditions. Attending the launch from Hornbeck was Bill Krewsky, Director of Engineering and Project Management. Bill spoke about Eastern’s HOS BRIARWOOD, the tenth HOSMAX vessel to be launched, HOS BLACK WATCH’s early delivery, and the long term commitment, partnership and future of the two companies. Once again thanking Eastern’s Management Team and its Employees for the quality of workmanship, on-budget and the dependable deliveries, he praised the operational performance of Eastern’s seven HOSMAX Vessels in operations today. 

The HOS BLACK WATCH was delivered twenty-five (25) days early, on-budget and was Eastern’s eighth delivery of a ten offshore support vessel contract and the fourth vessel designated as the HOSMAX 310 series by Hornbeck Offshore. 

Captain Stan DeSonia, of Hornbeck Offshore, will be taking the HOS BRIARWOOD to sea as Master once she delivers in early 2015. Captain Stan’s wife, Cecelia, had the honors of christening the vessel; accompanied by their daughter’s Natalia, Marina and son Levi. Captain Stan’s father Stanley R. DeSonia and his wife Anita were also in attendance. Prior to the launch, Eastern’s President Brian D’Isernia, said a few words about the dedication, commitment and hard work of his Employees, the future the two companies share; the continued growth of Eastern Shipbuilding and the Offshore Marine Industry in the United States and abroad. Deacon Earl Mirus of Saint John’s Catholic Church of Panama City, Florida, performed the blessing of the vessel. 

Each HOSMAX 310 vessel is a Diesel-Electric powered, twin Z-drive propelled OSV. These high-tech vessels feature four Caterpillar 3516C 16-cylinder turbo-charged Tier III diesel generator engines each rated at 1,825 kW at 1,800 rpm. Main propulsion power is provided by two GE Energy furnished Hyundai 2,500 kW 690VAC electric motors driving two Schottel SRP 2020 FP Z-Drives with nozzles rated at 2,500 kW at 1,025 rpm each for a total of 6,704 Hp. Schottel also provides two STT 4 fixed pitch tunnel thrusters rated at 1,180 kW at 1,170 rpm, each with direct coupled Hyundai 690VAC electric motors. GE Energy Power Conversions provides the complete system integrated diesel electric package, including the propulsion and thruster drives, motors, control systems, DP system, switchboards, motor control centers, automation and navigation /communication electronics. The fully integrated bridge is arranged for increased visibility and features the latest technology in navigation, communication equipment. 

All ten of the HOSMAX Offshore Supply Vessels are USCG, ABS Classed A1, Offshore Support Vessel and Ocean Service, Loadline, AMS, ACCU, Circle E, DPS-2 with additional ABS Class notations UWILD, ENVIRO, FFV-1 and certified under SOLAS/IMO.

The HOSMAX 310 Offshore Support Vessels feature the following characteristics:

Dimensions: 302’x 64’x 26’

Deadweight Tonnage: 6,144 LT

Total Fuel Oil Capacity: 285,649 USG

Fuel Oil Day-tanks 23,752 USG

Drill Water/Ballast Capacity: 609,227 USG

Potable Water Capacity: 62,538 USG

Liquid Mud Capacity: 21,509 bbl. (10) Tanks

Dry-bulk Mud: 14,347 ft3 (7) Tanks

Methanol Capacity 2,212 bbl. (2) Tanks

Clear Deck Area: 11,137 ft2

The HOS BRASS RING and HOS BRIARWOOD are the remaining HOSMAX 310 Platform Supply Vessel’s scheduled for delivery in January 2015 and March 2015.

Eastern is also in full production for Hornbeck Offshore for two HOSMAX 310ES Multi-Purpose Supply Vessels (MPSV’s) each with accommodations for 73 persons, 250MT subsea crane, moon pool, helideck and two (2) ROV/LARS units. Named the HOS WARLAND and the HOS WOODLAND, both vessels are on-schedule to be launched in 2015. 

These two HOSMAX 310ES Multi-Purpose Platform Supply Vessels are to be ABS Classed Hull and Machinery, Oceans Service and reviewed for the United States Coast Guard under the Alternate Compliance Program (ACP 2-95) with the following Class Notations, A1, AMS, ACCU, DPS-2, UWILD, FFV-1, Circle E, Offshore Support Vessel (HNLS, HDC, HLC), GP, RRDA, HELIDK, ENVIRO, CRC, SPS (Special Purpose Ship), and certified under SOLAS/IMO.