
Shipping & Offshore Companies at Capital Link's Operational Excellence

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Published Oct 21, 2015 4:24 PM by The Maritime Executive

Senior Executives from 23 shipping & offshore companies, 3 classifications societies as well as charterers and financiers will discuss how the implementation of “Best Industry Practices” translates into tangible commercial, operational and financial competitive advantages. The event focuses on Operational Excellence in Shipping and is being held in cooperation with the UK Trade & Investment and with the support of numerous industry organizations. Attendance is complimentary.

Keynote Speaker & Honoree

In the context of the Forum, the “2015 Capital Link Maritime Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award” will be presented to Mr. Nikolas P. Tsakos, Chairman of INTERTANKO and President & CEO of TSAKOS ENERGY NAVIGATION LTD (NYSE:TEN) in recognition of his commitment and work in applying and promoting best industry practices both through his stewardship at the helm of TEN and his active involvement with INTERTAKO. The award will be presented by Professor Costas Th. Grammenos, CBE, DSc, Chairman of Costas Grammenos Centre for Shipping, Trade and Finance and Professor at Cass Business School of City University London.

Forum Overview

Showcasing Best Industry Practices – Operational Excellence in Shipping as a Competitive Advantage. The Forum will explore Best Industry Practices across several areas such as fleet management, technological innovation, crewing, energy efficiency and the environment, safety & security. It will also discuss the demand for Best Industry Practices by charterers and the response and initiatives by shipping and offshore companies, as well as Green Ship Recycling practices.

The Forum brings together leading shipping & offshore companies, major charterers, financiers, insurers, classificationsocieties, and other leading industry participants. It provides an interactive educational and networking platform linking the industry, government and non-governmental organizations, industry associations, the financial and investment community, and the public at large.

The 23 shipping & offshore companies include several major privately held companies including the Onassis and Latsis Shipping Groups, Eletson Group, Stena and many more, as well as the ship management operations or management affiliates of publicly listed companies including Capital Product Partners (NASDAQ:CPLP), Danaos Corporation (NYSE:DAC), DP World (DU:DPW), d’Amico International Shipping (MI:DIS), Euroseas Ltd. (NASDAQ: ESEA), Gener8 Maritime (NYSE:GNRT), Navig8 Product Tankers, Inc. (NO:EIGHT), Tsakos Energy Navigation (NYSE: TNP), Star Bulk Carriers Corp. (NASDAQ:SBLK), Tidewater and ADM.

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