
Global-Davit GmBH Presents FRC Launch & Recovery System

Published Oct 6, 2015 4:43 PM by The Maritime Executive

The world-wide operating company of Global Davit GmbH, located in Germany, a well-known name within the Survival- and Deck Equipment market, carries decades of experience within the global industrial shipping market. Therefore, the company is aware of the rapid changes within the environment they operate in.

In order to diversify their product portfolio, and with this keep ahead of the competition, the company of Global Davit decided to collaborate with the Dutch company TBV Marine Systems, part of High-tech Solutions & Design B.V. This company is in the process of developing, manufacturing and implementing of stern Launch and Recovery Systems (L.A.R.S.) which can launch and recover the bigger Fast Rescue Crafts (FRCs). This system can be used in higher Sea States, so in waves up to 2.25 meters.

Taking a closer look at the global trend in FRC launch and recovery, with a focus on coast guards using these types of systems, you see that the FRCs are getting bigger, that the demand for quick launch and recovery procedures increases and that coast guards strive to be more operational in heavier weather conditions. The innovative and patented L.A.R.S. system is developed to cover all of these demands.

The production, installation and implementation processes for this system is already in progress for China Customs and the Kuwait Coastguard.

This all implies that with their collaboration with TBV Marine Systems, Global Davit manages to find a way to adopt a new system into their portfolio, and with this, open the doors of a new market segment within the global shipping market.

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