International Transport Forum 2011 Update
The International Transport Forum is an Intergovernmental Organisation within the OECD family that acts as a global transport policy think tank and organises an annual summit with transport ministers, decision-makers from business, top academics and leading figures from civil society from its 52 member countries and beyond.
The 2011 summit will take place on 25-27 May in the city of Leipzig, Germany, and focus on the theme of Transport for Society.
To enable journalists from outside Europe to attend the 2011 summit, the International Transport Forum offers a number of Media Travel Grants for overseas journalists to travel to Leipzig in May.
Journalists from the following countries are eligible for travel grants: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, Korea, Turkey, USA. Journalists from other countries may also apply, but will only be taken into consideration if the available funds are not used up for travel costs of journalists from the countries listed above.
Programme Outline
- The grant covers the standard return fare from the journalist’s home town or seat of his news organisation to Leipzig (Germany) and back.
- Accommodation costs must be covered by the journalist. In exceptional circumstances, hotel costs may also be covered (Please indicate this in your application). Assistance with finding suitable accommodation is available.
- Full on-site support to help participants with their journalistic projects.
- Special media opportunities (interviews, background talks, excursions, meetings with journalists’ national delegations).
- Invitation to the Gala Dinner included. Itinerary to include a stop-over in Berlin with social programme, if possible. Assistance to arrange trips to other parts of Germany or Europe
- The official languages of the summit are English, French, German, Spanish and Russian. Interpretation from and into these languages available.
- It is the responsibility of applicants to obtain a valid visa.
Applications should reach [email protected] by 10 April 2011 and include
- a motivation letter (max. 500 words) setting out why the candidate is interested in reporting on the International Transport Forum 2011 summit,
- a brief summary of the candidate’s background and professional experience (max 250 words),
- an endorsement from the journalist’s news organisation or the copy of a valid international press card,
- copy of one or more recently published articles or journalistic items contact details (postal address, email address, phone number)
More information about the International Transport Forum can be found at