
Greece Lifts Cabotage, Tells Cruise Companies to Sail On Over

Published Dec 16, 2011 2:33 PM by The Maritime Executive

Development, Competitiveness and Shipping Minister of Greece, Michalis Chrisochoides, announced this week that Greece is abolishing all remaining restrictions on cruise ships unaffiliated with the European Union at Greek ports offering round trips. 

Last year, Greece began to unwind their strict restrictions with cruise ship companies which required ships operating in territorial waters and flying third-country flags to employ Greek sailors.  The unravel, however, still harnessed restrictions towards the cruise companies that made them sign agreements with Greece sometimes lasting as long as three years which included special tax payments towards the welfare of Greek sailors, and only permitted cruises that lasted a minimum of 48 hours in Greek waters.

After a conference in Athens, Chrisochoides said that Greece really wanted international cruise ship companies to come to their country and utilize their ports, and as such, the draft law for the full abolishment of these cabotage restrictions will be submitted to the Greek parliament this week.

PHOTO: Port of Piraeus, Greece's largest port.