
Fight Against Piracy: EU Strengthens Maritime Capacities in the Horn of Africa

Published Jul 16, 2012 3:16 PM by The Maritime Executive

The Council today approved the launch of a new civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) mission, EUCAP Nestor, to support regional maritime capacity-building in the Horn of Africa and Western Indian Ocean states. 

EUCAP Nestor is part of the EU's comprehensive approach to fighting piracy and instability in the region. A team of around 175 people will work to reinforce the capacity of states in the region to effectively govern their territorial waters. Djibouti, Kenya, the Seychelles and Somalia have accepted the EU's offer of assistance. The mission will be extended to support Tanzania as soon as possible.

EU High Representative Catherine Ashton said: "By launching this new mission in the Horn of Africa, the EU is highlighting once again its leading role in the fight against piracy. Under the leadership of the countries themselves, I hope that EUCAP Nestor will create lasting solutions to the scourge of piracy."

The new mission has two main objectives: strengthening the sea-going maritime capacities in the countries in the region (with the exception of Somalia) and, in Somalia, the training of a coastal police force as well as of judges. It will give expert advice on legal, policy and operational matters concerning maritime security, deliver coast guard training and help to procure the necessary equipment. 

EUCAP Nestor is embedded in the EU strategic framework for the Horn of Africa and complementary to the other two CSDP missions in the region: EU!AVFOR Atalanta, contributing to the repression of piracy and to the protection of food aid shipments, and EUTM Somalia, which is training Somali security forces. In order to facilitate coordination between the three missions, the EU Operations Centre has been activated. It will also support the Civilian Operation Commander with military expertise during the planning and conduct of EUCAP NESTOR.

EUCAP Nestor will initially last for two years and have its headquarters in Djibouti. Training is to take place both in the Djibouti regional training centre as well as in the countries concerned. A budget of EUR 22.8 million has been allocated.