Australians Ban Indonesian Vessel

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has barred the Indonesian-flagged M/V Noah Satu from entering Australian ports after being detained four times since August 2013.
AMSA officials said the four detentions included failures with vessel compliance standards, safety and emissions regulations. The investigations revealed that the vessel had incorrect navigational charts, expired and unmaintained safety equipment and unapproved machinery. Noah Satu’s operators also failed to comply with mandatory reporting requirements.
In addition, the vessel’s operators did not keep records of work hours and rest for the crew. Noah Satu is the fifth vessel to be banned from Australian ports since 2013. Four of the banned vessels have been Indonesian-flagged. The Liberian-flagged M/V Vega Auriga was the first vessel banned from Australian ports in August 2013.
The Noah Satu was built in 2004 and is a 2,542dwt vessel.